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  1. A grab being used for diaphragm wall excavation functions like animal jaws and thus the moveable parts of the equipment that open and close are called jaws.
  2. The grab is put on the soil surface with its jaws open. A limited amount of force is applied for the teeth at the end of the jaws to sink in the soil.
  3. Once certain about the grab’s position, the jaws are then closed to clasp together.
  4. The grab now has a substantial amount of earth behind closed jaws. The grab is now hoisted out of the its position towards the area of spoil disposal.

[ Jaw positioning / Jaw closing / Jaw hoist out / Spoil Disposal ]



These compoents work to ensure the function of the grab:
  1. Providing jaw movement: annex set, turning device, steering flap
  2. Providing the force required to excavate: cylinder, thrust rod (for hydraulic grabs)
  3. Providing stability: extention, cutting edge
  4. Excavation: shovel set, chiseling device
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